Friday, December 7, 2007

Ready, Set, Push, Push, and Push

Sheesh! Don't tell mom. Just let her push until the cow comes home.
Having one hand up to her chin blocking the way, Allison wasn't going to come out without a fight.

06:00 - Arrived at FVRH.
08:30 - Epidural steroid injection.
13:00 - Full dilation. Waited for delivery room.
15:00 - Got in lithotomy position.
1, and 2, and 3, and push, and push ...
18:00 - Dr. Quach finally arrived and attempted the vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery.

18:22 - Allison arrived 7.75 lbs, 20 inches, cone-headed and all. Daddy cut the umbilical cord.

Good job mom! I should have warned you about the hand.

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