Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Latest Updates

Dr. visit @ 9 months. Blood results look good. No iron deficiency. No food allergies. So will try rice cereal and cow milk soon.

19.25 lbs (50-75%)
29.50 in (95%)
46.50 cm HC (50-75%)

Third visit to Dr. K (6.25 months)
A little delay in posting the results because daddy wanted to protest the length measurement. It's surprising Allison only grew 0.25 inch in 2 months. She eats 4 meals and takes 5 bottles a day.

16.44 lbs (50-75%)
26 in (50-75%)
44 cm HC (75-90%)

Second visit parameters (4.0 months)
Special improvement on the growth chart is in length.
Continue with soy-based formula. May start on rice cereal.

14.25 lbs (50%)
25.75 in (90%)
41.50 cm (50%)

First visit at 2.5 months, I am just average in every ways:
11.75 lbs
23 inches
39 cm (HC)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008


(2008.10.12) A warm and beautiful Sunday. What a fun day at the OC Zoo with Henry and Cindy.

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Head shot

(2008.09.21) This is THE new thing to do. I like it specially when dad plays along.

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Any baby

And of course I am a baby after all. I can do this as well as anybaby else.

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(2008.09.26) I still only have 2 big teeth, but I can eat almost everything.

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(2008.09.26) I can do so many things now. I can point to the Nemo and say "ca'", and I can also point to car tires and say "ca'". I can take a few steps. I can clap my hands and waive goodbye.

Daddy is just too busy to photograph.

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