Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Latest Updates

Dr. visit @ 9 months. Blood results look good. No iron deficiency. No food allergies. So will try rice cereal and cow milk soon.

19.25 lbs (50-75%)
29.50 in (95%)
46.50 cm HC (50-75%)

Third visit to Dr. K (6.25 months)
A little delay in posting the results because daddy wanted to protest the length measurement. It's surprising Allison only grew 0.25 inch in 2 months. She eats 4 meals and takes 5 bottles a day.

16.44 lbs (50-75%)
26 in (50-75%)
44 cm HC (75-90%)

Second visit parameters (4.0 months)
Special improvement on the growth chart is in length.
Continue with soy-based formula. May start on rice cereal.

14.25 lbs (50%)
25.75 in (90%)
41.50 cm (50%)

First visit at 2.5 months, I am just average in every ways:
11.75 lbs
23 inches
39 cm (HC)


Dinh Dinh said...

oh .. Christian name .. how's about "Eve" .... "Grace" ....... ????

AU said...

Interesting point... Both Grace and Eve are legit saint names according to this:

Eva, Eveline, Eve, Evita Eve was the first woman, the wife of Adam. Adam called his wife Eve, because she became the mother of all the living. She is the patron of tailors.

Ann said...

90% on height!
