Sunday, December 27, 2009


(20091214) Ignore the pink car.
Unlike his sister, Logan is really good at playing toys, many of which belong to his sister who previously showed little interest in her toys. He has shown significantly better focus and eye-hand coordination.
He still cannot perform the traditional crawl on his hands and knees, but he can get to places very well by pulling himself military style with his forarms.
He can also manuever very well in his walker around the kitchen cabinets and drawers.
He can also stand by himself while holding on to a sofa.

(20091222) Allison is going through a language growth spurt. She would pick up anything anybody said in English or Vietnamese; then she would repeat it over and over and over again, especially during a car ride or bedtime. It would probably drive anybody nut, except her parents of course. And she would also sing songs (different verses of her own creation) over and over and over again.

When nobody is talking to her, she would have dialogues with herself. Sometimes, she would ask a question, then answer it herself. Other times, she would say something random, then start singing a song contain a word in that something she said. Very creative!

"Bo oi, bo ddau roi?... dday bo dday"
"Bo lai xe ddi tim park, park ddau roi, park oi?"
"Mot, hai, ba, nam ... Chau len ba, chau vo mau giao ..."
"Be Nguyet hai hoa ... Mung tam thang ba em ra tham vuon, gat mot bong hoa xinh tuoi tang co giao..."

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Allison 2nd Birthday

(20091129) Had a small family birthday party for Allison. She had a blast.

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Brother & Sister Dr. Visit

(20091116) Both got H1N1 and seasonal flu shots at Dr. K today.
Allison has just turned 2 years old. Quite big for her age, she now stands 1/2 inch shy of 3 feet, and weighs 33 1/2 lbs. She talks, sings and nho~ng nhe~o all day long.
Logan is 7 months. He is just a little above average, at 29 inches long, and 19 lbs. He really enjoys his big sister, around whom he makes all kinds of exciting noises, and grabs whatever of her within his reach.

Funny at Dr. K office, Allison stared at the needle, got her first shot, no reaction.
Then the second shot drew a drop of blood, she said "wow!"
Then turned the other shoulder for the third.
High-fived daddy and said goodbye to the nurse.
She is tough.

Happy union - brother, sister and Elmo

Just moment later, Allison started to study her brother facial features. "Ma('t" (eye) in photo.
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Monday, November 9, 2009

Logan at 7 months

(20091107) He touches and licks everything. He now has 2 bottom teeth. Still cannot crawl, but he is mobile. He can reach places by rolling around. Loves to play with Allison, who often abuses him with her size advantage.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween ladybug

(20091031) Halloween costume.

Allison is a radio. She talks and sings all day.

The latest are "Me ddep qua" (Mommy so pretty), "Ong cao qua" (grandfather so tall), "Em nho qua" (little brother so small.)

It is hard not to laugh.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Brother and Sister

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Halloween festival

(20091025) Halloween Festival at the OC fairground.
Logan has his 6-month doctor visit last Friday. His growth rate is slowing down a bit, so his doctor ordered to add an extra meal of solid food each day.
He is now about 50% on both length (27 in) and weigh (18 lbs).

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Logan rolls

(20090828) After a week of trial and error, he now can roll with much confidence.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


(20090808) Starting to roll over - the arm still in the way though.
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Monday, August 3, 2009


(20090804) Allison is going through a major mental growth spurt.
Everything she heard or saw she remembered and repeated as if they were imprinted into her brain.

She can put together 3-4 word sentences in Vietnamese, some in the right order, others more creatively right in her own mind.

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Sisterly love

(20090730) Don't worry dear little one. I got you.
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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Chubby logan

(20090726) Logan is getting heavier and heavier every day. He fills the car seat very well. With confidence, the boy can also hold his own head up in a sitting position for an extended period.
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