Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Days leading to Year of the Snake

Kids are sicks, daddy is sick.  Logan, Ben and daddy all suffer moderate cold symptom.

Ben is now 18 months.  Dr. visit went well.  No shots.  50% in weigh, 75% in height.  He is very active but not talking.  Ben can understand and follow complex verbal instructions, like go to the bedroom and wake up Logan.  He will need hearing test and speech therapy.

Allison is so grown up.  It has been a week since she become a perfect child, at least with her routines:  wake up, make her own bed, wake up daddy, brush her own teeth, change her own cloth, eat breakfast, and hurry to school.  Such a perfect child.

Logan has become very physical.  He is getting stronger and likes to play rough with his siblings.  Good for him.  Bad for siblings.  Headache for parents.  His communication is much improved.  His speech therapists are so impressed they recommended early release from the program.