Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ben is 6 months

Allison and Logan are now in full-day preschool.
Two problems: Alli loathes napping at home and especially in school, and logi doesn't feed himself in school. It has been a month and no improvement on either problem.

Logi now loves personal interaction/conversation with whoever willing to entertain him.  He has a great attention span.   He can easily engage with an adult (particularly great aunt T) for hours on end with pretend play involving small animals.  Bugs always bring out wonderful imagination from this boy.
It normally goes like this:
"Daddy, you'll be turtle, I'll be crab."
"I pinch, I pinch."
"You die."

Big Ben also is having the time of his life. He is doing great, and such an easy, happy boy. He is putting on some weigh.  He can flip from laying on his back position, but he is so contend with just laying around he doesn't bother flipping very often.   Ben is now on his third week of eating baby first food, and he does it with ease.

 Well baby visit at 6 month with Dr. Stephens today. Ben weights in at 17 lbs 6 oz (50%), and stretches 28.25 inches (90%). His HC is measured at 45.5 cm (90%), which is proportional to his height.