Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kids update

(20120826) Benjamin is now 1 year old.  He is very alert and a great eater.   He eats anything and everything, including bitter squash.  
Still does not walk by himself, although he can sofa walk very well.
He is now 21.75 lbs (25%), and 31 inches long (75%).

Allison will be in Transitional Kindergarten this Fall, she is a few days shy of real Kindergarten.
Still big and strong, she now stands 43.25 inches, and weighs 45.75 lbs.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Logan @ 3 years physical

(20120607) Logan's 3-year physical was delayed for two month so Dr. Stephens can order some follow-up tests.  He is big and tall at 40.5 (95%) in and 36.5 lbs (85%).   He weigh percentile is a surprise for a skinny little guy.   During the physical exam, he followed Dr. and RN's instructions very well.

He is completing his first full year of preschool.  He has made significant progress in communication and physical development.  What he is still lacking is the ability to feed himself and to handle his potty business.  His most favorite food is Pho, then Costco meat balls, then macaroni and cheese.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Benji @ 9 months

(20120105) Visited Dr. Stephens today.  At 30 in long, 19 lbs 1 oz, and 47 in HC, Benji 95 percentile in length, and 25 percentile in weight.  About the same percentiles as 6 months measurements.

His allergy rashes are much better on this face, but worse in his lower arms.  He is generally healthy and extremely aware.   Such a good eater, he eats quite a bit of pureed food, 6-8 oz, 3 times a day.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Benjamin is almost 9 months

(20120421) He is very active and playful.  Although he is a great eater, he doesn't seem to be a Big Ben anymore.  He is more like a Little Ben now as we cannot see if he is growing.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ben is 6 months

Allison and Logan are now in full-day preschool.
Two problems: Alli loathes napping at home and especially in school, and logi doesn't feed himself in school. It has been a month and no improvement on either problem.

Logi now loves personal interaction/conversation with whoever willing to entertain him.  He has a great attention span.   He can easily engage with an adult (particularly great aunt T) for hours on end with pretend play involving small animals.  Bugs always bring out wonderful imagination from this boy.
It normally goes like this:
"Daddy, you'll be turtle, I'll be crab."
"I pinch, I pinch."
"You die."

Big Ben also is having the time of his life. He is doing great, and such an easy, happy boy. He is putting on some weigh.  He can flip from laying on his back position, but he is so contend with just laying around he doesn't bother flipping very often.   Ben is now on his third week of eating baby first food, and he does it with ease.

 Well baby visit at 6 month with Dr. Stephens today. Ben weights in at 17 lbs 6 oz (50%), and stretches 28.25 inches (90%). His HC is measured at 45.5 cm (90%), which is proportional to his height.