Monday, November 15, 2010

Allison turns 3

(November 2010) Big and tall, Allison has turned 3.

Emotional, vocal and very cheerful. She speaks very well in Vietnamese, her English is catching up.

The princess often demands all attention at home; she is timid in a different environment, including school.

Now acting her role as big sister, she is getting along better with the little brother, whom she calls "cu ti", "little brother", "ong coi", and sometimes "logan".

At 39.25 lbs and 39.25 inches, Allison is good for most rides at fairs and Disneyland. She loves rides, the more daring the better.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Logan is 18 ... months

Logan has turned 18 months. At 34.5 in. and 26 lbs, he is doing well physically.
A little slow on his speech.
He starts to show major attitude whenever things are not going his way. This is the most unexpected change - no longer a mellow, easy going little baby.

Logan loves to read books. He would take a book and go sit on parent's lap waiting to be read to.

He is excited in anticipation for the end of either the "patty cake" or birthday song to end so he can clap his hand and scream "yay!!!"

The iPad always causes conflict between him and his sister.

halloween 2010




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