Thursday, April 22, 2010

Good boy turns 1

Logan is such a good boy. He sleeps through the night in a crib in his own room, some times by himself. He is always happy, and eats and naps according to schedule. (Everything his older sister did not do, and still is still not doing.)

Whenever he is awake, he plays by himself, he doesn't want to be held. He is physically well developed, just a little slow on the verbal skill. He babbles some times words sounding like "ca'" and "cho'" (fish, dog), but says no clear word. Though he indicates that he knows those words and a few others such as "qua.t" (ceiling fan) by looking and pointing to the appropriate objects.

Logan loves to play outside now that he can walk on his own.

Though Logan has 8 teeth, he only consumes pureed food and baby crackers. Anything requiring chewing, he is not ready. We are starting him on whole milk after his first birthday. His daily diet includes four to five 8-oz bottles of half whole milk, half formula, three 6-oz jars of home cooked pureed food.

At 12-month checkup, Logan is 22.5 lbs and 31.5 inches, which is 50 and 90 percentile respectively. He only grew 2 lbs and .5 inches the last 3 months. Dr. K doesn't seem to concern about the lack of weigh gain, but daddy is. Logan is now getting 20% more protein in his food.

It is obvious he suffers 2CS (2nd child syndrome) as we cannot afford him the attention as we could his sister.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Logan's 1st birthday

(20100417) A small birthday party followed his Baptism.
Not a simple task to take a decent shot at the birthday boy.
He is all over the place and it took literally 3 persons to keep in away from the cake.

He is walking proudly around in his Baptism suit.
Daddy couldn't find a proper Chistening outfit because he is simply too big.
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(20100417) On his 1st birthday, Anthony Logan Hoang Dac Uong is baptized by Fr. Martin Tran at the Holy Spirit Catholic church in Fountain Valley, CA.
Anthony is in good hands of his godfather Luong Do, who is kind enough accept the role.

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