Sunday, December 27, 2009


(20091214) Ignore the pink car.
Unlike his sister, Logan is really good at playing toys, many of which belong to his sister who previously showed little interest in her toys. He has shown significantly better focus and eye-hand coordination.
He still cannot perform the traditional crawl on his hands and knees, but he can get to places very well by pulling himself military style with his forarms.
He can also manuever very well in his walker around the kitchen cabinets and drawers.
He can also stand by himself while holding on to a sofa.

(20091222) Allison is going through a language growth spurt. She would pick up anything anybody said in English or Vietnamese; then she would repeat it over and over and over again, especially during a car ride or bedtime. It would probably drive anybody nut, except her parents of course. And she would also sing songs (different verses of her own creation) over and over and over again.

When nobody is talking to her, she would have dialogues with herself. Sometimes, she would ask a question, then answer it herself. Other times, she would say something random, then start singing a song contain a word in that something she said. Very creative!

"Bo oi, bo ddau roi?... dday bo dday"
"Bo lai xe ddi tim park, park ddau roi, park oi?"
"Mot, hai, ba, nam ... Chau len ba, chau vo mau giao ..."
"Be Nguyet hai hoa ... Mung tam thang ba em ra tham vuon, gat mot bong hoa xinh tuoi tang co giao..."

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Allison 2nd Birthday

(20091129) Had a small family birthday party for Allison. She had a blast.

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