Sunday, May 24, 2009


(20090524) Memorial Day's Weekend. Allison is with Great Aunts. Logan hangs out with mommy and daddy at home. He is putting on the pounds fast.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

18 months

(20090519) Visited Dr. K for 18 month checkup. All the organic food must have an effect because I grew big and tall.
Ht. 33.5 inches (90%)
Wt. 27.5 lbs (90%)
HC 49 cm (95%)

I am also very active all day long. Quite a handful for my parents and grandparents.
I am not shy and I love to play with other kids.
I said pid pid and pee-ed on the bathroom floor today. I start to feel the urge to pee and poop, and say "pid pid" or "ta~ ta~", but still does not know what to do next.

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Brother

(20090515) Logan visited Dr. Kieu today for 1st month checkup.  Everything are good and no shots.
Ht. 22.5 inches (75%)
Wt. 10.5 lbs (75%)
HC 15 incles (50%)

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Bad mood

(20090514) I have been feeling like this the last few days. Probably don't feel too good
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Bunk bassinet

Em above, me below. We share a bassinet.

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