Friday, September 26, 2008

Head shot

(2008.09.21) This is THE new thing to do. I like it specially when dad plays along.

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Any baby

And of course I am a baby after all. I can do this as well as anybaby else.

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(2008.09.26) I still only have 2 big teeth, but I can eat almost everything.

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(2008.09.26) I can do so many things now. I can point to the Nemo and say "ca'", and I can also point to car tires and say "ca'". I can take a few steps. I can clap my hands and waive goodbye.

Daddy is just too busy to photograph.

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Nha tho duc me dang con in Corona

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(2008.09.12) Attending Kim's baptism mass in Corona. Allison really enjoyed the singing and clapping in church. She was very engaged for most of the 90 minute mass.

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