Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Birthday Parties

(2008.02.17) Dressed up to celebrate Sadie's first birthday. No. It is not Christmas. Just want to blend in ... with Sadie's peeps.
*Hint* 我艾里逊

(2008.02.16) Jaydee's birthday. I were entertained the whole 4 hours. I don't recall this picture. Sometime, picture is not worth thousand words.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Where's Nemo?

Allison enjoys Finding Nemo.
Alright, alright!
She just likes to stare at the bright tank because the darn clown fish keeps hiding in the far corner.

(A great gift from uncle DD. Thank you!)

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Sunday, February 10, 2008


(2008.02.10) Starting to drool. About time to quit.

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Working the shot

(2008.02.10) Such a warm, beautiful day.

The camera does add 10 lbs, you know.

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(2008.02.10) That face says it all: Are you sure you know what you are doing, old man?

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

What's Up!

Yeah. What is up there?

(2008.02.08) Visit grand parents for Tet lunch. My neck is strong enough to hold my large head now. I will be flipping soon.

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I am saying "C" for Cung

An obvious first attempt at "Cung Chuc Tan Xuan", no? You got to start somewhere.

(2008.02.08) Year of the Rat. I am now 1 lunar year old.

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Grandpa's garden

Visited grandpa and his pride and joy.

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Chuc Tet Ong Co

(2008.02.07) Year of the Rat. Great grand father prayed and blessed Allison with a big Li Xi. He also wished her "grow up fast, be nice and obedient to please her parents."

"Circle of Love." Pictured with great aunt and great uncle.

Allison's graceful for the big Li Xi. Enough to start a college fund.

Not going to give it back.

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